Cockroaches are well known significant health pests.  As they are nocturnal (active at night) you may not always be aware of an existing problem. Cockroaches are potential vectors (carriers) of diseases such as Dysentry, Typhoid, Gastroenteritis, Polymyelitis. A cockroach infestation can occur in a very short space of time because of the speed that cockroaches breed.  The female lays 16 – 40 eggs (depending on the species) in a special capsule called an ootheca.



Rodent (rat and mice) control is important in preventing disease and costly damage.  Rodents need to keep their incisors (front teeth) at the correct length and therefore they have to gnaw on things.  This causes costly damage to furniture, wooden joinery, insulation, alarm wires, electrical cabling, car wires and hoses and structural elements of a building.  This poses a risk of fire and compromises the integrity of your property. There are 14 diseases that are directly spread by rodents as per the “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention”.



As ants thrive in our warm sunny weather, they can be a real problem in homes, gardens and offices where they breed rapidly.  In their search for food and water they walk over all sorts of unsanitary surfaces, including a favourite of theirs – the toilet bowl.  These same ants are a nuisance in kitchens – in sinks, kettles, sugar bowls and in your food in your pantry cupboard.  You don’t won’t this filth from these unsanitary surfaces like your toilet to spread to your food and drinking water. Although small in size, ants can quickly take over your home, garden or work place. 



The term “woodborer”  covers many types of wood boring insects that are a problem in timber in buildings.  The most common in KwaZulu Natal is Cyptotermes Brevis. Woodborer swarm (fly around) anywhere from spring through to autumn.  They fly usually at dusk or at night and are attracted to the light. They burrow into timber looking for a food source by creating  very small pinholes where they have entered the wood  - making it difficult for you to notice them. Once they are inside they tunnel through the wood where they feed from the inside of the wood.  They can continue to tunnel and feed on the wood for several years.



Termites live underground in colonies consisting of a king, queen, winged reproductives, soldiers and workers.  Colonies can grow up to two million members.  Termites come up from underground to feed mainly on cellulose which is obtained from wood, grass, leaves, paper, cardboard etc. Termites like dark, humid and protected environments and so this makes them hard to find until it is too late.  Termites do however leave signs of their presence. Termites can eat through your timber very quickly – much faster than woodborer. To safeguard your property we recommend annual termite inspections by our qualified wood destroying organisms inspector.  If any termite infestation is found we will recommend a treatment that is carried out in accordance with SANS regulations.



Ticks are pesky parasites that can pose health risks to both humans and pets. They latch onto hosts, feeding on blood and potentially transmitting diseases. They cause painful bites.  Ticks can be infected with bacteria, viruses and parasites. When they bite you they can spread these diseases to you, like tick bite fever or Lyme disease.  The bite from a diseased tick can leave large crater like scars on your skin. Ticks can thrive in people’s property where there is easy access to blood meals. The homeowner can help reduce the tick problem by keeping their grass short (ticks will hang onto the blades of grass and drop onto the host as they pass by).  Prior to having a pest control treatment you would also need to cut your grass. In combination with a professional pest control treatment the homeowner will need to treat his pets for ticks, using a veterinarian recommended treatment, so that there is not a reinfestation at the property after the pest control treatment. Pest Shield has years of experience in effectively controlling ticks in various environments.



Fleas are troublesome pests that infest homes and pets.  They can cause great discomfort when they bite you and can leave a small red bump on your skin.  Flea bites can appear in a straight line or in a cluster of many bites.  Flea bites most commonly occur on your legs, feet and ankles.  Some people may have an allergic reaction to flea bites where the area will become itchy and start swelling.  Flea bite can also cause a skin rash.

Fleas are very hardy and robust creatures and can survive for more than 100 days without a host. These tiny bloodsuckers multiply very quickly, making eradication challenging.

A majority of flea infestations in the home originate from infested household pets. However, fleas can also gain entry into your home by attaching to shoes or trouser legs. It's important to eliminate fleas from your living space and safeguard your family and pets from their bites and associated problems.

In combination with Pest Shield’s flea control treatment the homeowner will need to treat his pets for fleas, using a veterinarian recommended treatment, so that there is not a reinfestation at the property after the pest control treatment.



Bed bugs are relentless pests that invade homes, causing distress to occupants. These nocturnal insects feed on human blood, leaving itchy and irritating bites. A bed bug bite will look similar to a mosquito bite but slightly smaller with a raised irritated red area.  A bed bug bite can form a small blister on it.

Signs that bed bugs are present:

  • Being bitten at night whilst in bed or sitting on your couches
  • Blood stains or rusty blood coloured spots on your sheets or mattress
  • Small red itchy bumps on your skin from the bites
  • You may see the bedbugs when you pull open the creases or seams of your mattress. Bed bugs are mahogany in colour when unfed and reddish-brown in colour when fed. They are about 4-5mm in length.  They have flat oval shaped bodies if they have not fed recently but have a balloon-like elongated body if they have recently fed.
Their small size and ability to hide in cracks and crevices make them difficult to eradicate without professional help. Call Pest Shield to effectively eliminate the bed bugs from your property allowing you to once again have a peaceful night’s sleep.


Bird lice are tiny arachnids that become pests in homes when their avian hosts leave nests. These lice feed on bird blood but will bite humans in the absence of their natural food source.

Infestations can occur when birds' nests are disturbed or abandoned, causing the lice to seek new hosts indoors. Bird lice bites can cause skin irritation including itching, swelling and a raised skin rash with reddish spots caused by the lice injecting saliva when feeding.

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